Parent/Carers information guide CEIAG

80.75% of students say their parents help them to make key careers decisions

This section of our website is aimed at supporting parents and carers to access information to support young people with their career choices and future pathways. Below there are three useful sections: information about education options, types of jobs and local labour market information.

Education options


Further education



SEND support and providers

Kehelland Trust

Newquay Orchard

Supported internships


Types of Jobs

Students who have a vision of where they would like to be in the future may find it easier to plan their career pathway. To help both students and parents/carers get an idea of available jobs we would suggest looking at the following:

Career Pilot

National Careers Service



Local opportunities

Many jobs that exist today did not exist 10 years ago (link here It is important to keep up to date with local, national and international labour market information. In Cornwall and the Isle of Scilly there are many new and exciting developments. Please click the sections below to find out more.

10 Opportunities linked to

Labour market statistics linked to

Please see the Cornwall local Labour Market Information found on the Careers section of the website.

Get Involved

Mullion School works with a number of businesses that support our careers programme. If your business would like to get involved, please contact the Careers Leader Mr K Gilbert at