A group of 8 talented Year 7 students from our school made their way to the LEGO League National Finals in Harrogate this year, marking a remarkable achievement in their pursuit of robotics and engineering. The LEGO League is an annual international competition where students design, build, and program robots to complete 15 tasks. Points are awarded for each task, with the winner having the highest total. Teams are also recognized for their teamwork, robot design, and research presentations.

Our students started from scratch with no prior knowledge of the competition. They met twice a week at lunchtime to build and program their LEGO models and robot while also working on a project about nuclear fusion. They emerged victorious in the Devon regional finals, securing a spot in the National Finals.

The team prepared for the National Finals by studying previous winners on YouTube and brainstorming the most efficient order for completing the tasks. With over 1000 students from all over the United Kingdom and international teams from Sweden, Angola, and Brazil, the atmosphere at the National Finals was electric. Our students remained calm and worked exceptionally well as a team, with each person specializing in a particular aspect of the competition.

Although the team didn’t win any awards, they gained valuable experience and are looking forward to mentoring next year’s intake of Year 7 students. Each student received a participation medal and collected various free gifts from engineering exhibits. Participating in the LEGO League taught our students the importance of resilience and teamwork, while also fostering an interest in robotics and engineering.

The school plans to start next year’s competition earlier and involve the design department to improve the research presentation. With a goal to win the National Finals and compete in the International Finals, our school remains committed to nurturing future generations of students through the exciting world of the LEGO League.

This inspiring story of our students’ journey to the LEGO League National Finals demonstrates their dedication, resilience, and the power of teamwork. Their achievements serve as an encouragement to other students and a testament to the potential of our school community.