Transition Arrangement Flight 49 – September 2025
At Mullion School, we understand that moving from Primary School to Secondary School is a big change. I expect your children spend most of their day in one room, with one teacher but at secondary school we ask them to move around the building for different subjects with different teachers. One of the first things we want to say to your children is ‘we know it’s a big change’ but there’s so much we do, to help them get ready.
Happiness and safety are key to a successful transition. If these are secure, the rest falls into place. At Mullion School we have a recipe that works:
The journey begins with an Open Evening – October 3rd 2024. Come and look around and chat to teachers and pupils about their Mullion School experience and what we have to offer on the curriculum and our facilities.
In March 2025, we will both be notified by the Council of our pupil allocation for September. I then begin my visits to all of the Primary schools and sit with the class teacher to gather information and also chat to the children about how we are going to help them make the move. It’s a part of the job I love!
May 1st 2025 – An evening meeting for parents to come and hear more about the school and pick up important paperwork. I will be distributing admissions forms and forms for your child to complete so that they can tell me all about themselves. Please give me as much detail as possible. This will help me to place your child in the right tutor group – either 7B, 7G, 7R or 7Y.
June 11th 2025 – We invite your child to spend half a day with us. The purpose of this is to ‘get to know’ their fellow tutees and their Tutor. Children will take part in a range of activities to help build confidence with being on site and amongst their new peers.
June 12th 2025 – We invite all parents to come and meet their child’s Tutor and hear more about what is required for the start of term.
July 2nd 2025 – We would like to invite all Year 6 children to spend a whole day with us. They can travel on the school bus, have lunch with us and sample some lessons.
I very much look forward to welcoming the next ‘Flight’ at Mullion School – Flight 49!
Mrs H Mathias.
Deputy Head Teacher, Head of Year 7, Designated Safeguarding Lead.
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