Mullion School Careers Curriculum
Curriculum Statement –Careers
Every young person needs high-quality career guidance to make informed decisions about their future and to develop high aspirations. Good career guidance is a necessity for delivering technical education reforms and is a vehicle for social justice.
Throughout their time at Mullion School, we support students to understand career pathways and the range of choice available for post 16 study.
The rationale for studying careers explicitly in PSHE lessons is to allow students to develop an understanding of the skills employers look for and to teach them some of the ways they can begin to gain these skills during their time at the school. Teaching staff in lessons use a variety of methods to inspire students including guest speakers, online careers tools, school trips, workshops and enrichment opportunities.
Throughout their time at Mullion School, students also engage in a wide range of careers events beyond the classroom. They have the opportunity to take part in ‘I love my job’ sessions, mock interviews, careers carousels and career inspiration days. All of these sessions aim to increase student awareness of the local and national labour market, exposing them a wider range of post 16 options both in and beyond the local area.
“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Confucius
Measuring the impact of our careers programme:
To enable us to effectively review our careers provision we use the Gatsby Benchmarks, a framework of 8 guidelines that define the best careers provision in schools and colleges.
Using the Gatsby Compass Plus evaluation tool; we conduct a self-review against the benchmarks every term which enables us to evaluate the impact of our provision.