Why We Study PE:
The Physical Education curriculum aims to prepare students for their futures by meeting their diverse needs and fostering skills and characteristics essential for a healthy and active lifestyle. It focuses on developing physical, social, and mental well-being, emphasizing the six repeated concepts through themes such as challenge, leadersip and decision making. Through both core PE and extracurricular activities, the program seeks to cultivate driven, resilient students with a strong work ethic. The aim is to provide learning opportunities to shape students as citizens, passionate athletes and lifelong learners, encapsulated by the key pillars of knowing, showing and growing.
What We Study:
During KS3 and KS4 Core PE Concepts are:
Healthy Active Lifestyles
Coaching and Leadership
Physical Literacy
Analysis and Evaluation
The core concepts aim to develop life skills, leadership and employability skills in young people through core curriculum PE please see the grid below. This however does not come at the cost of teaching skills, tactics, strategies and rules, which are vital in producing future performers, coaches and officials. PE lessons should be no less physically demanding. Each half-term the department will focus on a couple of the character traits and use the activity as the vehicle to deliver this. It is expected that pupils will receive a broad and balanced curriculum within the subject which will allow them to progress onto examination courses and/or life-long enjoyment of wellbeing. Away from lesson time these traits and the School Games values are further learnt through pupils’ engagement in additional curriculum activities, sports fixtures, the Duke of Edinburgh award, trips and leadership opportunities.
How We Study It:
Pupils in KS3 are taught in mixed gender groups for the majority of their PE lessons and broadly single gender groups for Games lessons. However we pride ourselves on having the flexibility to change our groupings to suit pupils’ needs and interests.
Competition is a big part of life and we encourage all pupils to engage in events throughout their time in school and out of school, but always within the School Games values. Events such as Games Day and Sports Day or Peninsula Partnership leagues or Cornwall School Games. We offer numerous popular clubs for pupils to be physically active away from lessons and aspire to offer each pupil a place in such an activity. In Year 9 pupils are able to take a leadership module to help with their development. In Year 10 and 11 we offer a Level 2 Tech Award in Sport, Fitness and Physical Activity.
KS3 & 4 The PE concept is assessed twice termly in line with the key concepts below. This is achieved through self assessments, socrative quizzes and teacher assessment.
PE Key Concepts
Know –Term 1
Grow- Term 2
Show- Term 3
Year 7
Self-Management & Responsibility
Fundamental Movement Skills
Year 8
Year 9
Outwitting an Opponent
Year 10
Developing Physical Fitness
Year 11
Decision Making
Value an Active Lifestyle
Personal Development Intent
The PE curriculum focuses on developing the essential characteristics of the whole person. It allows them to explore the key concepts through the planned themes of:
challenge fundamental movement skills self management/ responsibility team work creativity resillience leadership outwiting an opponent empathy evaluation developing physical fitness self motivation decision making value active lifestyles confidence
Literacy Intent
To develop oracy through verbal communication by students being given the tools to share ideas and communicate effectively with others. Students will be exposed to a range of subject specific vocabulary which will relate back to the PE key concepts.
Disadvantage Intent
Students PE exposes students to a broad range of sports, physical activities and wider opportunities. Students can access an inclusive curriculum and extra curricular programme. Our curriculum is consequently broad to enable students to thrive and be challenged by a range of strategies to broaden their horizons.
SEND Intent
We have an inclusive curriculum, where SEND students follow the planned PE curriculum, SEND students thrive in a carefully sequenced curriculum, based around incremental steps of knowledge and understanding with a focus on sequencing processes to support SEND students in particular.
Digital Intent
Students In-line with the school's intent, devices are used to enhance the teaching of PE; to facilitate invisible inclusivity, engage with modelling, direct insutrction and help support feedback and assessment.