Welcome to the Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Department
At Mullion School we welcome everyone into our community. Mullion School endeavours to make available inclusive provision so that all students, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), can enjoy and benefit from a broad and balanced education and achieve their full potential.
Who are we?
All staff are committed to helping the students make the most of the opportunities offered to them at school. Some students with SEND need extra support to help them do this. The SEND department comprises of a strong and experienced team with many and varied skills.
Role | Name |
SENDCo | Ms Becki Goodrum & Mrs Becky White |
Assistant SENDco | Mrs Miranda Tricker |
TA | Miss Estella Brett |
HLTA | Mrs Andrea Brown |
TA | Mrs Tracy Geach |
TA | Miss Leanne Holbrough |
HLTA | Mrs Lucette Kitto |
TA | Mrs Michelle Tomkins |
HLTA/Cover | Mrs Sandra Bolton |
Some members of staff have also undertaken further training and are Champions in specific areas:
Autism champion is Mrs Sandra Bolton
Dyslexia Champion is Lucette Kitto.
Where are we?
The SEND Department is now The Harbour and is based by the main entrance into the school. Students are welcome to come to The Harbour during break and lunch times to eat, play board games and chat. It is always staffed by TAs, who are available to support students as necessary.
Who do we support?
The SEND Department supports students who have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age.
Some of these students can be supported in the classroom with strategies delivered by the class teacher, with the support of the SENDCo. They are listed on the record of need as SEN School Support. Other students with more complex needs will have Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plans and will require a greater level support.
What do we do?
The SENDCos, Mrs Rebecca White and Mrs Rebecca Goodrum, co-ordinates the additional support for students with SEND and liaises with their parents, teachers and other professionals. These students will be given appropriate resources, strategies and TA support, where applicable, to help them overcome barriers to learning and ensure they are able to make good progress. The TA Team Leader, Mrs Linda Brown, works closely with the SENDCo, providing administrative support.
Teaching Assistants (TAs)
The TA has a role within the classroom to help an individual or groups of students with their learning. The key aim is to encourage as much independent work as possible. Some of the things they do in the classroom include:
• Showing that it is good manners to listen when others are talking.Modelling how to do an activity.
• Ensuring behaviour is conducive to learning.
• Using appropriate resources to help them support the student they are working with, such as key words, glossaries, pictures, stationary, blank mind maps, calculators.
• Breaking tasks down into achievable parts.
• Encouraging the pupil to complete the work set.
• Using effective questioning to check the understanding of the student they are supporting.
• Working collaboratively with the student and help them edit their own work
• Scaffolding learning by asking questions to help students reach the answer.
• Ensuring the teacher is aware of the progress and/or difficulties that the student has in lessons.
In addition to the classroom support they also:
• Staff the SEND base The Harbour at break and lunch times.
• Staff the daily Homework Club run in room D9.
• Prepare resources to support students in the classroom.
• Support students personal needs when required.
• Provide Physiotherapy sessions as needed.
• Accompany school visits and trips.
• Accompany students who are in sporting competitions.
• TAs mentor students and run after school clubs.
Dyslexia Champions role.
• Meeting with year groups of pupils with dyslexia tendencies.
• Providing pupil passports to help pupils in the classroom.
• Once a term drop-in sessions for parents.
• Dyslexia screening.
• Intervention for pupils who are struggling.
• Email address of champions for parents with concerns.
• Always available for both pupils and parents.
Autism Champions Role.
• Autism peer group meetings twice weekly.
• Interventions for pupils who are struggling.
• Once a term drop in sessions/ coffee mornings for parents/carers.
• Email address of champions for parents with concerns.
• Always available for both pupils and parents/carers.
Where can you get further information?
If you are concerned your child has special educational needs or disabilities please contact the SENDCos, Ms Becky Goodrum and Mrs Becky White.
For more details of what we offer at Mullion School see our Local Offer below or follow the link Cornwall Council Local Offer.
The SEN Code of Practice (2014) document can be seen on the Department of Education website.
Useful Contacts as follows (there are also more links in the SEND Information 2024 document):
SENDIASS Cornwall https://cornwallsendiass.org.uk/
Cornwall Council https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/education-and-learning
Parent Carers Cornwall https://www.parentcarercouncilcornwall.org.uk
disAbility Cornwall & Isles of Scilly https://www.disabilitycornwall.org.uk
Face 2 Face https://www.scope.org.uk/support/services/befriending/about-face-2-face
Autism Spectrum Team https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/schools-and-education/special-educational-needs/council-support-services/autism-spectrum-team/
Early Help Hub https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/earlyhelp
CAMHS https://www.cornwallft.nhs.uk/camhs/
SALT https://www.cornwallft.nhs.uk/childrens-speech-and-language-therapy