This week saw the exciting Final for MullionChef! Many events took place last week in the run up to the final.
The MullionChef final was tense and very challenging, the most difficult of all three tests throughout the competition. Students had to make chocolate or plain muffins first, followed by pipping buttercream icing, then making the super difficult spun sugar, and finally using food styling to present their best 2 muffins (some students even added a jam/ganache gooey centre filling). Students worked against the clock and against their houses to compete. At times students were literally stuck to their sticky sugar and unable to do anymore. The environment was great, students, teachers, heads of house, and SLT all came to see the work in action.
Students’ scores were incredibly high and the final products were amazing, making it a hard decision for the judges.
Thanks so much for the support from tutors, the judges across all days, Mr Rainbow’s fabulous photos, and all of Theresa’s hard work behind the scene (we are still clearing up!)
Well done to all the students that took part!
First place went to 10R, Joint second were 8R and 10Y, third place went to 9R and fourth to 9B!